
Hunter Wallace (member), July 5, 2015

Jul. 5, 2015
Name of Author
Hunter Wallace

“The Mainstream Media has launched a crusade to demonize the Confederate Battle Flag. They also want to silence the C of CC to keep us from reporting on the truth of black-on-everyone crime.”Hunter Wallace, “CofCC Members Support the Confederate Battle Flag in St. Louis,” Council of Conservative Citizens, July 5, 2015, http://conservative-headlines.com/2015/07/cofcc-members-support-the-confederate-battle-flag-in-st-louis/.

Rhetoric Category

Hunter Wallace (member), July 4, 2015

Jul. 4, 2015
Name of Author
Hunter Wallace

“In the wake of Dylann Roof’s shooting spree in Charleston, the Mainstream Media, which is never content to let a crisis go to waste, seized on a national tragedy to launch a disgusting, opportunistic campaign of cultural genocide to demonize the Confederate Battle Flag and eradicate Confederate monuments in the public space across the Southern states.”Hunter Wallace, “The Mainstream Media’s Attack On The Confederate Battle Flag Has Failed,” Council of Conservative Citizens, July 4, 2015, http://conservative-headlines.com/2015/07/the-mainstream-medias-attack-on-the-confederate-battle-flag-has-failed/.

Rhetoric Category

Earl Holt (president), statement on Dylann Roof, June 21, 2015

Jun. 21, 2015
Name of Author
Earl Holt

“It has been brought to the attention of the Council of Conservative Citizens that Dylann Roof–the alleged perpetrator of mass murder in Charleston this week–credits the CofCC website for his knowledge of black-on-white violent crime. This is not surprising: The CofCC is one of perhaps three websites in the world that accurately and honestly report black-on-white violent crime, and in particular, the seemingly endless incidents involving black-on-white murder.”Earl Holt, “Statement by President of the Council of Conservative Citizens,” American Renaissance, June 21, 2015, http://www.amren.com/news/2015/06/statement-by-president-of-the-council-of-conservative-citizens/.

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Excerpt from Roof’s 2,500-word manifesto, discovered June 2015

Jun. 2015
Name of Author
Roof's 2,500-word manifesto

“The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?”Brendan O’Connor, “Here Is What Appears to Be Dylann Roof’s Racist Manifesto,” Gawker, June 20, 2015, http://gawker.com/here-is-what-appears-to-be-dylann-roofs-racist-manifest-1712767241.

Rhetoric Category

Gordon Baum (founder), interview, April 2012

Apr. 2012
Name of Author
Gordon Baum

“We'd like to keep America majority white. I just want the system of law we have. I don't want to look like they do in Haiti. If the whole nation changes ethnically, it will change the government.”Betsy Webster, “Couple angered over controversial literature handed out in neighborhood,” KCTV, last modified May 9, 2012, http://www.kctv5.com/story/17735835/couple-angered-over-controversial-literature-handed-out-in-neighborhood#ixzz3fOsSCnFn.

Rhetoric Category

Earl Holt (president), email, November 14, 2003

Nov. 14, 2003
Name of Author
Earl Holt

“Dear Commie, Being the shallow n[****]r-loving dilettante that you are, you probably DO consider n[****]rs to be your equal (who am I to question this?). Yet, unlike you and your allies, I have an IQ in excess of 130, which grants me the ability to objectively evaluate the Great American Nigro (Africanus Criminalis). I honestly pray to God that some n[****]r fucks, kills and eats you and everyone you claim to love!”Camille Jackson, “St. Louis Hate Group Leader, Earl Holt, Continues to Host Radio Show After Posting Racist Diatribe Online,” Southern Poverty Law Center, Spring 2004, http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2004/spring/the-rating-game/belligerent-broadcast.

Rhetoric Category

Earl Holt (president), email, November 14, 2003

Nov. 14, 2003
Name of Author
Earl Holt

“Some day, You [sic] sanctimonious n[****]r-lovers will either have to live amongst them or else defend yourselves against them. My guess is that you are such a cowardly and pusillanimous lot of girly-boys, they will kill fuck, kill and eat you just as they do young White males in every prison system in the U.S.”Keegan Hankes, “Future of the Council of Conservative Citizens Unknown After Founder’s Passing,” Southern Poverty Law Center, March 9, 2015, http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2015/03/09/future-of-the-council-of-conservative-citizens-unknown-after-founders-passing/.

Rhetoric Category

CCC website, 2001

Name of Author
Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC)

“God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God.”“Council of Conservative Citizens,” Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed July 8, 2015, http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/council-of-conservative-citizens.

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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