al-Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula


"In this week’s episode of “The Hunt with WTOP national security correspondent JJ Green”, Dr. Hans Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, explains what the death of the leader of al-Qaida’s Yemen branch means for the terror group and the world."

March 13, 2024
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"These include the Al-Shabaab who still control a large chunk of rural Somalia, the JNIM active in West Africa -- in particular Mali, and the Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) branch. 'He accepted major new players in the Al-Qaeda network,' said Hans-Jakob Schindler, director of the NGO Counter-Extremism Project and a former UN advisor."

August 2, 2022
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Anwar Al-Awlaki: The Modern Face of Terror

On the morning of September 30, 2011, Predator drones circled thousands of feet above a remote stretch of northern Yemen, monitoring a meeting of senior al-Qaeda militants. The CIA professionals operating the drones were not taking any chances...

Giving Voice to American Jihadists

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are key rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, there are some in our country who have used the Constitution as an enabling device to further their advocacy of violent ideologies and...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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