
Qaymi al-Raymi, Military Commander, Winter 2012

Name of Author
Qaymi al-Raymi

“O [Kuffar] Americans, we view our battle with you with this divine view: ‘Say, do you await for us except one of the two best things [i.e., martyrdom or victory] while we await for you that Allah will afflict you with punishment from Himself or at our hands? So wait; indeed we, along with you, are waiting.’ [9:52] Hence, we are a nation that does not surrender. It either dies or prevails. So contemplate and stand with yourselves an honest stand, perhaps you are guided to Islam, recognizing it as sovereign over you and give the jizyah [tax paid by non-Muslims under sharia law] willingly while you are humbled.” Abu Hurairah as-Sana’ani, “This is How We Win and This is How You Lose,” Inspire Magazine 9 (2012): 22.

Qais al-Khazali, September 13, 2012

Sep. 13, 2012
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“The offense against the Messenger [the Prophet Muhammad] will put all the American interests in Iraq in danger. We will not forgive that.”Lara Jakes, “After prophet film, militia threatens US in Iraq,” Associated Press, September 13, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, AAH leader, September 13, 2012

Sep. 13, 2012
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“The offense against the Messenger [the Prophet Muhammad] will put all the American interests in Iraq in danger. We will not forgive that.”Lara Jakes, “After prophet film, militia threatens US in Iraq,” Associated Press, September 13, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, September 2012

Sep. 2012
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

In case of an American or Israeli strike against Iran: “A decision has been taken to respond and the response will be very great.”Rana Muhammad Taha, “Nasrallah Threatens US on Behalf of Iran,” Daily News Egypt, September 4, 2012, accessed August 4, 2014,


Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, September 2012

Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“The US has many vulnerabilities around Iran, and its bases are within the range of the guards’ missiles. We have other capabilities as well, particularly when it comes to the support of Muslims for the Islamic republic.”Ian Black, “Iran Confirms It Has Forces in Syria and Will Take Military Action If Pushed,” Guardian (London), September 16, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Mohamed al-Zahawi, ASL Leader, September 2012

Sep. 2012
Name of Author
Mohamed al-Zahawi

“Al-Qaeda's strategy is aimed at weakening US hegemony on the Muslim nation…[Ayman al-Zawahiri’s statements] are a wake-up call for Muslims. They help galvanise the Muslim nation, maintain its dignity and pride. Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri is keen on safeguarding Muslim rights.”Ahmed Maher, “Meeting Mohammad Ali Al-Zahawi of Libyan Ansar Al-Sharia,” BBC News, September 18, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Mohamed al-Zahawi, September 2012

Sep. 2012
Name of Author
Mohamed al-Zahawi

“Do you think that the killing of the US ambassador is more heinous than the several insults made about the Prophet, peace be upon him?... I swear by God that we can tolerate the killing of all people and wiping all countries off the map but we cannot tolerate a single swear word that could hurt our prophet…They are weeping buckets on this ambassador but they won't shed any tears when dozens of Muslims are injured in these protests against the blasphemous film.”Ahmed Maher, “Meeting Mohammad Ali Al-Zahawi of Libyan Ansar Al-Sharia,” BBC News, September 18, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Mohamed al-Zahawi, September 2012

Sep. 2012
Name of Author
Mohamed al-Zahawi

“Make no mistake, there is a massive American onslaught on Muslim countries. The crusaders want to occupy our countries and act as our guardians. They do not respect our sovereignty.”Mary Fitzgerald, “A Conversation with Abu Khattala,” New Yorker, June 18, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Said al-Shihri, Former Deputy AQAP Leader, July 2012

Name of Author
Said al-Shihri

“America and its allies [have little left but] to run away from the Muslim lands, leaving with their tails tucked and their traitor agents to taste revenge from Muslims whose dignity has [sic] been abused; and by the hands of Mujahideen by will of Allah.”“Al-Malahim Media Presents a New Audio-Visual Message from Al-Qa’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Shaykh Abu Sufyan Al-Azdi (Sa’id Al-Shehri): ‘Greetings and Support for the Mujahidin in Somalia and the Islamic Maghrib,’” Jihadology, July 27, 2012,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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