terrorism financing


“... The video is still being reviewed, says Hans-Jakob Schindler, Counter Extremism Project expert and former UN Security Council adviser on global terrorism sanctions. But it is obvious that the attack followed the IS script: "With such attacks, which are difficult to detect in advance, IS is showing that it is still important." In 2017, IS lost its state base in Syria and Iraq, said Schindler. But the group is now on the rise again, for example in Afghanistan and West Africa. The West has withdrawn from the core areas of IS terrorists. "Because the pressure there has decreased, attacks in the West are becoming more likely again ." This raises the question of how terrorists are financed. Although an attack like the one in Solingen - which is presumably inspired by IS but carried out without personal instructions - costs the group nothing, says Schindler. But in Syria, IS is again carrying out more and more bomb attacks.”

August 27, 2024
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"'It is inconceivable that they [the weapons dealers] are not operating on the Houthis’ behalf,' said the former British Ambassador to Yemen, Edmund Fitton-Brown, who now works for the Counter Extremism Project.
'Purely private dealers who tried to profit from supplying, [for example] the government of Yemen, would be quickly shut down.'"

August 22, 2024
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"Edmund Fitton-Brown, the former British ambassador to Yemen who is now a senior adviser to the Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based non-profit organisation, said: 'To me, this is clear material support for terrorism. X has a lamentable history of failing to police itself properly against extremists [and] this is a problem that has clearly got worse since Twitter became X. The very fact that they sell blue tick marks to terrorist groups like the Houthis and the Taliban is obviously a breach of sanctions and a breach of the law.'"

August 22, 2024
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"The operations of these traders are closely tied to the Houthi movement, which has been identified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and Australia. Edmund Fitton-Brown, a former British Ambassador to Yemen and current member of the Counter Extremism Project, remarked, “It is inconceivable that they [the weapons dealers] are not operating on the Houthis’ behalf.” He elaborated that independent dealers attempting to engage with the Yemeni government for profit would face immediate suppression."

August 22, 2024
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"The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) recently made a submission to the government's right-wing extremism inquiry in which it said extremists were increasingly turning towards under-regulated mainstream social media platforms."

April 29, 2024
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"A Manhattan jury convicted Jacobs of three felony counts of providing support for an act of terrorism, as well as conspiracy, money laundering and criminal possession of a weapon. The NGO Counter Extremism Project lists Victoria Jacobs, aka Bakhrom Talipov, as an "extremist leader," and it says she may have been providing information to terrorists since 2018."

February 2, 2024
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler: "Combating Hamas militarily must not only be a goal. Terrorism expert Hans-Jakob Schindler also demands that the sources of income of the terrorist organization, which has an extensive support network, be effectively prevented."

January 29, 2024
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"A panel of public and private sector experts discussed the findings of the 2023 FATF report on Crowdfunding for Terrorist Financing  which highlights the four main ways in which terrorist groups exploit crowdfunding for terrorist financing. The report also looks at challenges faced by those involved in the crowdfunding landscape, including investigative agencies, and best practices and recommendations for countries in developing a deeper risk understanding of this sector and effectively combatting terrorist financing.
Moderator: Tom Bergin – Investigative Journalist at Reuters
1. Matthew Murray - GoFundMe
2. Hans-Jakob Schindler - Counter-Extremism Project (CEP)
3. Svetlana Martynova - United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)
4. Anna Nawrotek – Department of Finance, Canada (and project co-lead)"

January 18, 2024
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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