“... The video is still being reviewed, says Hans-Jakob Schindler, Counter Extremism Project expert and former UN Security Council adviser on global terrorism sanctions. But it is obvious that the attack followed the IS script: "With such attacks, which are difficult to detect in advance, IS is showing that it is still important." In 2017, IS lost its state base in Syria and Iraq, said Schindler. But the group is now on the rise again, for example in Afghanistan and West Africa. The West has withdrawn from the core areas of IS terrorists. "Because the pressure there has decreased, attacks in the West are becoming more likely again ." This raises the question of how terrorists are financed. Although an attack like the one in Solingen - which is presumably inspired by IS but carried out without personal instructions - costs the group nothing, says Schindler. But in Syria, IS is again carrying out more and more bomb attacks.”