

“Is this the beginning of the end of the Gaza war? On Monday, the UN Security Council adopted a ceasefire proposal in Gaza from US President Joe Biden. 14 countries agreed, only Russia abstained. Israel has been fighting the terrorist organization Hamas for eight months, and the international community is desperately looking for a way to end the war. The hope now is that the actors involved - Israel and Hamas - will also support the plan. It could not only be a step towards resolving the conflict in the Middle East, but could also be important for Biden's election campaign. […] "While Hamas would give up its guarantee of survival by releasing the hostages, Israel would have to release a considerable number of Palestinian prisoners, which could be exploited by Hamas for propaganda purposes," says Hans-Jakob Schindler of the international Counter Extremism Project.”

June 11, 2024
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"Germany can only keep repeatedly raising this, Hans-Jakob Schindler, analyst for the Middle East at the nonprofit organization Counter Extremism Project, told DW. Israeli resettlement plans for the Gaza Strip, which two Israeli cabinet ministers publicly support, would be 'the surest way to securely anchor Islamist extremism in the future in Gaza, and probably among Palestinians in general,' Schindler believes."

January 31, 2024
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"Germany can only insist on that connection over and over again, Hans-Jakob Schindler, a Middle East expert at the international organization Counter Extremism Project, told DW. Israeli repopulation plans in the Gaza Strip, proposed by two members of the Israeli cabinet, would be 'the best recipe for Islamist extremism to take firm root in the future among Palestinians in Gaza and probably beyond.'"

January 30, 2024
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"'Without the Gaza war, IS would get the headlines,' said Hans-Jakob Schindler, director of the Counter Extremism Project think tank. 'It puts considerable pressure on IS to remain relevant.'"

January 12, 2024
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"Hezbollah, just like Hamas, is backed by Israel's arch-rival Iran and is committed to the destruction of Israel. The think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP) says, 'In February 1985, Hezbollah formally emerged and issued its manifesto. Hezbollah pledged loyalty to Khomeini [Iran's Supreme Leader], demanded the expulsion of foreign forces (i.e., Israel, France, and the U.S.) from Lebanon, called for Israel's destruction, and called for the creation of an Islamic state in Lebanon. As an Iranian proxy, Hezbollah's perceived threat environment is almost identical to Iran’s—Tehran’s enemies are Hezbollah’s enemies. Like Iran, Hezbollah considers the U.S. and Israel to be its chief foes.'"

December 8, 2023
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "This is an extraordinary, difficult endeavor because there is this still functioning underground system in particular in the southern half of Gaza. But Sinwar really is the key leader to get here. He was, from the very beginning, part of setting up the terrorist structure of Hamas from 1988 onwards. He was also the founder of the Gaza Hamas intelligence organization that hunts what they call collaborators, those who collaborate with Israel, and executes with them." 

December 7, 2023
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Thursday, Dec 07, 2023

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler on DW News

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "This is an extraordinary, difficult endeavor because there is this still functioning underground system in particular in the southern half of Gaza. But Sinwar really is the key leader to get here. He was, from the very beginning, part of setting up the terrorist structure of Hamas from 1988 onwards. He was also the founder of the Gaza Hamas intelligence organization that hunts what they call collaborators, those who collaborate with Israel, and executes with them."

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"Although the U.S. and the European Union have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization, 'they’re not effectively cut off from the international financial system,' said Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project. 'They actually are able to invest funds in companies and in real estate.'
Cryptocurrencies have helped the group invest its money while bypassing international financial sanctions according to a report by the Counter Extremism Project."

October 25, 2023
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"'PIJ is dedicated to eradicating Israel and establishing an autonomous Islamic Palestinian state in the lands currently comprising Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza...PIJ believes its goal of creating an Islamic Palestine can be achieved only through the destruction of Israel, and so jihad has become a central tenant of PIJ’s ideology. In pursuit of its jihadist ideology, PIJ has launched numerous bombing attacks against Israeli civilian targets,' notes think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP), adding that PIJ refuses to negotiate with Israel and rejects the proposed two-state solution."

March 12, 2023
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"Think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP) says, 'The group’s ideology blends Islamism and Palestinian nationalism and seeks the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River...Hamas’s preferred methods include suicide bombings, rocket and mortar attacks, shootings, and kidnappings.'"

February 13, 2023
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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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