

"A release by Berlin and New York-based Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reported that 'given the available information, it is reasonable to deduce that only a fraction of those who indicated an interest in traveling to Ukraine after February 2022 actually did so.'"

June 14, 2022
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CEP Senior Advisor Alexander Ritzmann writes: "Nonetheless, western media has come to develop a sort of Azov obsession, buoyed by a complete lack of nuance in the reporting around this group. One key factor missing in all of the analyses of the Azov: the difference between the Azov movement and the Azov regiment. The West’s Azov obsession and the inability to properly understand the overall phenomenon has even led to the spread of damaging anti-Ukraine propaganda in the media."

April 12, 2022
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"Security officials in Germany have visited known far-right extremists to warn them not to travel to fight in Ukraine. It is one method western states are using to discourage extremists from taking up arms amid fears returning right-wing fighters will pose a security threat. In a webinar hosted by the Counter Extremism Project, experts warned European nations to prepare for the fallout."

April 6, 2022
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"Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director at the Counter Extremism Project, an independent group following extremist organizations, said the war’s allure for far-right volunteer fighters is not surprising."

April 6, 2022
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"'He is a figurehead of the worst kind of right-wing extremism in Ukraine's history, and really only the hardest of the nationalist hardliners are fans of him,' Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, told Law360 Pulse."

April 5, 2022
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Tuesday, Apr 05, 2022

CEP Webinar: Extremist Foreign Fighters Traveling to Ukraine: Security Risks and Mitigation Measures

Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Alexander Ritzmann – CEP senior advisor
Joshua Fisher-Birch – CEP research analyst 
Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler – CEP senior director
Sofia Koller – CEP senior research analyst

Read the updated CEP Policy Brief here. 

Based on this research and in-depth monitoring of the current situation, CEP experts discussed the various challenges governments face in preventing the departure of such individuals as well as the necessary proactive steps governments in Europe and North America should urgently initiate to establish a flexible system for returnee management, including in cooperation with relevant civil society organizations. Such as system must encompass options for prosecutions as well as deradicalization and reintegration mechanisms.

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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Allerdings zieht der Ukraine-Krieg nicht nur Rechtsextremisten an. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Seniordirektor der Anti-Extremismus-Organisation Counter Extremism Project, beobachtet auch Bemühungen von Linksextremen aus Europa und den USA, am Krieg in der Ukraine teilzunehmen. Viele sympathisierten in diesem Lager auch hier mit der Ukraine. Kiew, so Schindler, rekrutiere Kämpfer unabhängig von ihrer Gesinnung und bringe ihnen den Umgang mit der Waffe bei. Das sei gefährlich, warnt der Terrorforscher: 'In der Ukraine erwerben Extremisten nun Fähigkeiten, die sie für die gewaltmäßige Umsetzung ihrer ideologischen Ziele benötigen.'"

April 2, 2022
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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