ZDFheute: Who is Israel releasing?


"Terrorism and extremism expert Hans-Jakob Schindler from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) Berlin sees the first releases as a 'confidence-building measure between Hamas and Israel.' In his opinion, the negotiations will now become more difficult with each hostage: Hamas will demand that more Palestinian prisoners be released per hostage and the crimes committed by those held will also become more serious. Hamas will demand a very high price, especially for the release of hostages who belong to the Israeli military, said Schindler in the ZDF morning magazine."

November 27, 2023
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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.

In Their Own Words:

We reiterate once again that the brigades will directly target US bases across the region in case the US enemy commits a folly and decides to strike our resistance fighters and their camps [in Iraq].

Abu Ali al-Askari, Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) Security Official Mar. 2023
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