Zacharia Najib

Zacharia Najib is a Hamas official based in Istanbul. In November 2021, Najib and Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri were accused of leading a Hamas cell in Turkey.Judah Ari Gross, “Shin Bet: Forces thwart major Hamas terror plans, nab more than 50 cell members,” Times of Israel, November 22, 2021,

Najib has been connected to Hamas as early as 1994, when he participated in the kidnapping and killing of Israeli soldier Nachson Wachsman.Raf Sanchez, “Exclusive: Hamas plots attacks on Israel from Turkey as Erdogan turns blind eye,” Telegraph (London), December 17, 2019, Several years later, in 2011, Najib was released from prison during the Gilad Shalit exchange. The exchange oversaw the release of 1,000 Palestinians from Israeli incarceration to secure the release of Shalit, a soldier for the Israel Defense Forces who was kidnapped by Hamas members in 2006.Judah Ari Gross, “Shin Bet: Forces thwart major Hamas terror plans, nab more than 50 cell members,” Times of Israel, November 22, 2021,

In February 2019, Najib recruited a militant from Jerusalem’s Shuafat refugee camp to carry out an assassination plot against three potential targets: Jerusalem’s Mayor Nir Barkat, Minister of Parliament Yehuda Glick, or Israel’s Police Chief Roni Alsheich. Najib not only offered the militant funds but provided him with weapons training in Turkey. Before the assailant could carry out the attack, he was arrested by Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security office.Raf Sanchez, “Exclusive: Hamas plots attacks on Israel from Turkey as Erdogan turns blind eye,” Telegraph (London), December 17, 2019,

Despite the foiled assassination plot, Najib continued to coordinate violent plots against Israeli targets. As of November 2021, Najib leads a Hamas cell in Turkey and gives directives from Istanbul.Judah Ari Gross, “Shin Bet: Forces thwart major Hamas terror plans, nab more than 50 cell members,” Times of Israel, November 22, 2021, According to Shin Bet, Najib and al-Arouri recruited a number of top operatives from Palestinian cities and towns across the West Bank, notably Jenin, Ramallah, and Hebron “to carry out terror attacks in a number of formats in the West Bank and Jerusalem, as well as the possibility of carrying out bombings in Israel.”Judah Ari Gross, “Shin Bet: Forces thwart major Hamas terror plans, nab more than 50 cell members,” Times of Israel, November 22, 2021, Najib, along with al-Arouri were reportedly involved in planning and coordinating a December 2021 attack in which a teenage Hamas militant attempted to carry out a shooting at the Efrat settlement in the West Bank. The assailant’s gun jammed before he was able to carry out the attack.“Report: Israeli military arrest more than 100 Hamas operatives in Hebron,” I24 News,

Hamas continues to wage a vengeful campaign against Israel, and on October 7, 2023, a day after the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, Hamas launched a massive attack on Israel that included hundreds of Hamas fighters ambushing more than a dozen Israeli communities and military bases within 15 miles of the Gaza border. Hamas militants also launched thousands of rockets reaching as far as Tel Aviv.Ammar Awad and Maayan Lubell, “Gunmen in homes, captives abducted leave Israelis in shock,” Reuters, October 7, 2023, At least 800 people in Israel were killed and more than 1,000 were wounded in the first three days. Israel retaliated with airstrikes on in Gaza and on October 8, issued an official declaration of war.Tia Goldenberg and Wafaa Shurafa, “Israel declares war, bombards Gaza and battles to dislodge Hamas fighters after surprise attack,” Associated Press, October 8, 2023,

Sources close to Hamas later told Reuters the group prepared for the operation for two years by constructing and training in mock settlements in Gaza.Samia Nakhoul and Jonathan Saul, “How Israel was duped as Hamas planned devastating assault,” Reuters, October 8, 2023, The Wall Street Journal reported several senior Hamas and Hezbollah sources confirmed the participation of officials from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in planning the attack in meetings in Beirut in August 2023. According to those officials, the IRGC had provided a greenlight for the attack in September.Ammar Awad and Maayan Lubell, “Gunmen in homes, captives abducted leave Israelis in shock,” Reuters, October 7, 2023,; Samia Nakhoul and Jonathan Saul, “How Israel was duped as Hamas planned devastating assault,” Reuters, October 8, 2023,; Hadas Gold, Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder, Paul P. Murphy, Allegra Goodwin, Benjamin Brown, and Sophie Tanno, “Festivalgoers, children, soldiers: What we know about the people captured by Hamas,” CNN, October 9, 2023,; Summer Said, Benoit Faucon, and Stephen Kalin, “Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks,” Wall Street Journal, October 8, 2023,

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Political, religious, social service provider, terrorist, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Islamist, jihadist, Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group, pan-Islamist, Qutbist, Sunni
Head of Hamas cell in Turkey

Hamas is a U.S.-designated terrorist organization which has killed hundreds of Israeli citizens, as well as Americans, in suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks. Hamas has governed the Gaza Strip since it violently expelled the Palestinian Authority in 2007. 

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On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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