Afghanistan Content Report: March 16 – March 22

Afghanistan Content Report

March 16 – March 22

Please note that all items this issue are concerning ISIS-K

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 435, Published March 21, 2024
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Pro-ISIS-K Al-Azaim Statement “A Warning to the Apostates of the Tyrannical Regime of Pakistan,” Released March 18, 2024
  5. Pro-ISIS-K Al-Azaim Pamphlet “Kandahar and the Military Camp,” Released March 22, 2024


Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • Russia and the Taliban cooperate to fight against ISIS.
    • The two governments are on good terms with each other.
  • ISIS-K attack on Taliban members collecting their salaries at a bank in Kandahar on March 21.
    • The attack is described as killing at least two high-ranking military commanders.
  • Unidentified individuals attacked a Pakistani military post in Waziristan on March 16.
  • The Taliban allegedly defend the Hazara.
    • Members of the Hazara community have fought in the Fatemiyoun Brigade in Syria, allied with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
  • The Taliban are accused of not preventing Pakistani airstrikes in Afghanistan on March 18.
  • The Taliban sent their first military attaché to Russia.
  • The Taliban protected Nowruz celebrations in Afghanistan.
  • Unknown individuals in Ghor Province killed a Taliban judge and his daughter.


  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 435, Published March 21, 2024
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  • “A Pakistani intelligence spy was assassinated in Bajaur border.”

“By the grace of God Almighty, on Saturday (Ramadan 6), the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a Pakistani intelligence spy in the Mamund area with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God. An exclusive source added to Al-Naba that the deceased was a former member of the Taliban militia’s services. He was jamming the explosive devices of the leaders of the apostate Pakistani government.”


2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that unidentified individuals attacked “military facilities in Waziristan,” likely in a suicide attack.

“#Pakistan. An attack with an explosive belt targets military facilities in Waziristan.”


  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram adding that the individuals who attacked a Pakistani military post in Waziristan used a car bomb.

“#Pakistan #To update. The authorities of the apostate country said that the explosion was caused by a car bomb that stormed the army center.”


  • March 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the commander of the Fatemiyoun Brigade, Samad Rezaei, alleged that 80,000 Afghan Hazara fighters fought in Syria and that 3,000 of the group’s members died there. The post alleged that the number of those killed was “tens of times greater.” The post also noted that the Taliban protect the Hazaras in Afghanistan from ISIS attacks.

“#Contemplation. The leader of the Rafidi Fatemiyoun Brigade militia, Samad Rezaei, confirmed in an interview that Magian Iran sent at least 80,000 Afghan Hazara Shiite fighters to Syria as part of the Fatemiyoun Brigade militia to kill the Sunnis there.

“The accursed also says that up to 3,000 Rafidis perished (of course, the number is tens of times greater) in the battles and that their polytheist brigade enjoys the trust and support of the Iranian Magi Guard [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps].

“They sent it to the tyrants of the apostate Taliban militia and their [obscene], the apostate al-Qaeda militia, who convert the Hazara Shiites to Islam and protect them from the strikes of the monotheists.”


  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have done nothing to stop Pakistani airstrikes in Afghan territory.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Pakistani warplanes carry out air strikes inside Afghan territory, and the apostate #Taliban militia: Make yourself dead.”


  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban claimed that eight civilians were killed, including women and children, in Pakistani airstrikes in Afghanistan. The post noted that Pakistan claimed that they attacked the homes of Pakistani Taliban members, including a leader, Abdullah Shah, who allegedly released a video after the strikes stating that he was in Pakistan, confirming an Afghan Taliban claim. The post claimed that the air strikes targeted three Pakistani Taliban camps in Afghanistan “as they were preparing for a terrorist attack” in North Waziristan. The post noted that clashes on the border took place following the air strikes.

“#Khorasan. After the raids on Khost and Paktia, the Taghut Department of Culture and Information in Khost said that eight civilians were killed, including women and children.

“According to unofficial Pakistani sources, the targets of the strikes were the homes of members of the Pakistani Taliban militia, especially the leader Abdullah Shah—but the militia claims that he is in Pakistan, and the strikes hit ‘refugee’ camps.

“A video clip of the apostate Abdullah Shah was filmed, which was published by the apostate Pakistani Taliban militia. He (second from the right) confirms his safety and that he is in Pakistan and not in Afghanistan.

“Pakistani sources claim that the strikes targeted three camps of the apostate Pakistani Taliban militia as they were preparing for a terrorist attack on the Mir Ali Tehsil base in North Waziristan.

“After the Pakistani air strikes, fighting broke out at the Durand Line.”

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  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban “sent its first military attaché, a son of a senior Taliban leader, to Russia.” The post mocks the Taliban for being “loyal to every lowly and regressive person” and also noted that Russia is attempting to hold onto its influence in the area.

“#Contemplation. The #Taliban_apostate militia sent its first military attaché, the apostate Ahmed Yasir, the son of one of the senior leaders of the apostate militia, to Russia.

“Through military cooperation, the new apostate regime wants to strengthen relations with Moscow, which is trying to maintain its influence in the region.

“Congratulations to the [obscene] of the apostate al-Qaeda, who are loyal to every lowly and regressive person and hostile to every Muslim who unites to God and fights in His cause.”

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  • March 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Nowruz celebrations and “the Jahande Bala ritual” (a flag-raising ceremony on Nowruz) occurred at the Karte Sakhi shrine in Kabul.

“#Khorasan. Under the auspices and protection of the apostate #Taliban militia, the Jahande Bala ritual was held at the Karte Sakhi shrine in the city of Kabul.

“The rituals of the Hindu [sic] festivals of Nowruz and Jahande Bala were held at the Karte Sakhi shrine in the city of Kabul in the presence of a large number of people.”


  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that an attack took place in the city of Kandahar, targeting Taliban members who were collecting their salary at a bank. The post claimed that 20 people were killed and 30 wounded, but the Taliban alleged that only three people were killed in the attack. The post noted that the attack occurred while the provincial governor was “holding a security meeting.” ISIS-K later took credit for the attack.

“#Khorasan. An explosion targeting a [New] Kabul Bank branch near a barracks for the apostate Taliban militia as they gathered to pay their salaries led to the death of about 20 members and the wounding of 30 others, according to local sources, in contrast to the militia sources who claim that only three were killed.

“An explosion also occurred in the first district of Kandahar city, the nature of which is still unknown.

“The explosion occurred while the apostate Taliban militia was holding a security meeting headed by the apostate governor of the province, [Mullah] Shirin.”


  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a bomb targeting a Pakistani army convoy detonated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, allegedly causing casualties, and occurring at approximately the same time the Taliban in Kandahar were attacked.

“#Pakistan. A bomb exploded on a convoy of the apostate Pakistani army this morning during an attack in the Dera Ismail Khan area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

“According to the source, the explosion led to huge losses, and the attack coincided with an attack with an explosive belt on the herds of the apostate Taliban militia in Kandahar.”

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  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that a Taliban leader named Muhammad Mansour was killed in the attack in Kandahar.

“#Khorasan. #Followups

“Among the dead was a leader named Muhammad Mansour.”


  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that two individuals killed in the attack on the New Kabul Bank in Kandahar were important enough that their bodies were transported via helicopter.

“#Khorasan. The apostate #Taliban militia asked its Ministry of Defense for a helicopter to transport two of the militia’s dead in the blessed martyrdom attack on the [New] Kabul Bank today.

“The deceased were named Mullah Rahmatullah and Mullah Sardar.

“It is not known how important their position is in the apostate militia government, as their bodies were transported from central Kandahar to the Miyanishin area of this province via helicopter.

“This proves their importance.”


  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram condemning the Taliban as hypocrites for previously stating that killing those allied with “infidels” was permissible, but now making a deal with the U.S., receiving money, and promising them safety.

“#Contemplation. Yesterday, before the apostate #Taliban militia took power under the auspices of the American Crusaders, Saeed Al-Balashi, one of the militia leaders, said that it is permissible to kill anyone who stands with the infidels, even in the Kaaba.

“Today, the apostate militia stands with the infidels and kills the hadith scholars and Salafis in Afghanistan in exchange for dollars and to increase myths.

“The apostate Abdul Kabir croaked, boasting that Washington had become safe thanks to the apostate Taliban militia.

“The deputy of the tyrant of ministers of the dog militia came out howling and describing their killing in Ramadan as not within the law of Islam or humanity.”


  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that according to Taliban-affiliated media, the group has shared information on ISIS-K with neighboring countries, including Iran. The post alleges that this is blasphemous.

“#Contemplation. Al-Mersad is the media agency affiliated with the apostate #Taliban militia, which, if it placed its lies and hypocrisy on the other hand and the lies and hypocrisy of all international channels, would tip the balance in favor of Al-Mersad.

“She [sic] says regarding the #Islamic_State’s attack on the Iranian Magi who were beating people at the grave of the deceased [Qassem] Soleimani in Kerman:

“‘The apostate #Taliban militia has exchanged information about the #Islamic_State with neighboring countries, including Iran. If these regional countries, including Iran, fail to use this information, it could lead to tragedies similar to what happened in Kerman.’

“Is this the apostasy of blasphemy and blasphemy [sic], oh educated people, oh schoolboys, or not?!!”


  • March 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that unknown individuals in Ghor Province killed a Taliban judge and his daughter. 

“#Khorasan. The death of the so-called Mawlawi Mohammad Juma Amini, the judge of the #Taliban_apostate_militia court in Ghor, along with his daughter, at the hands of unknown persons this morning.”

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  • March 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that the two Taliban leaders killed in Kandahar, whose bodies were transported by helicopter, “were commanders in the 215th Corps.” The post alleged that 21 people were killed in the attack, with over 79 people wounded.

“#Khorasan. #to update.

“It turned out that the two dead, Mullah Sardar Muhammad and Mullah Rahmatullah, were commanders in the 215th Corps, and a helicopter was requested to transport their bodies. The total losses reached 100 people in the attack on the [New] Kabul Bank in Kandahar, including 21 dead.”


  • March 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram providing more information on the murder of the Taliban Judge Mohammad Juma Amini in Ghor Province, stating that he was shot in his home by someone hiding in a tree.

“#Khorasan. #Followups.

“Judge of the #Apostate_Taliban militia, Mohammad Juma Amini, who holds the position of Mufti of the Taliban’s Public Security Court in Ghor Province. He was shot inside the house from a tree in the street overlooking his house.”


  • March 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding the March 22 attack on a Moscow mall and music venue. The post noted that “We are awaiting statements from the … Taliban militia that they were aware of the attack in advance.”

“#Russia. #Followups. The attackers evaporated, and the Russian security forces arrested everyone who came across them on their way. It is no wonder that special forces clashed with monotheist fighters armed with Kalashnikovs and pistols for 17 full hours [referring to a previous gun battle between an ISIS cell and Russian security forces].

“On the other hand, America said that it is ready to share all information regarding the terrorist attack.

“We are awaiting statements from the Moroccan warehouse and the apostate #Taliban militia that they were aware of the attack in advance.

“The worshipers of the cross are one nation.

“#Warning: The clips have not been verified if they contain nakedness due to weak internet.”


  • March 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban and Russia are on good terms and cooperate to fight against ISIS.

“#Contemplation. The apostate #Taliban_militia is on good terms with the Russian infidels. They exchange congratulations, ambassadors, and relations and come together to fight the #Islamic_Islamic State.

“[Obscene] of the apostate #al-Qaeda, the apostate #Taliban militia will worship, if it disbelieves - and it has in fact disbelieved - they will be insolent in the Caliphate State, in debauchery and rivalry.”


3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • March 16: ISIS claims to have killed an alleged Pakistani spy in Bajaur District.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy of the apostate Pakistani intelligence in the Mamond area in Bajaur with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

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  • March 21: ISIS claims to have killed or wounded dozens of Taliban members in Kandahar in a suicide attack targeting Taliban members who were lining up at a bank to receive their salaries.

“Dozens of Taliban militia were killed and wounded in a martyrdom attack in southern Afghanistan.

“Afghanistan, Kandahar—Amaq Agency: Dozens of people were killed and wounded among the Taliban militia in a martyrdom attack in southern Afghanistan. Security sources told Amaq Agency that a martyrdom fighter from the Islamic State set off this morning, Thursday, towards a Taliban militia gathering in the first district of Kandahar city. The sources added that the gathering included about 150 militia members who gathered near one of the government banks in the city to receive their salaries. The sources explained that the martyr detonated his explosive belt among them, resulting in dozens of members being killed and wounded.”

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  • March 21: ISIS claims to have killed or wounded dozens of Taliban members in Kandahar in a suicide attack targeting Taliban members who were lining up at a bank to receive their salaries.

“Dozens of Taliban militia were killed and wounded in a martyrdom operation in southern Afghanistan.

“By the grace of God Almighty, the martyrdom brother (Muawiyah Al-Panjshiri)—may God accept him—set off towards the gathering of the apostate Taliban militia in District 1 of the city of Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, and detonated his explosive belt among them, which led to the death and injury of dozens of their members, and praise and gratitude be to God.”

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4. Pro-ISIS-K Al-Azaim Statement “A Warning to the Apostates of the Tyrannical Regime of Pakistan,” Released March 18, 2024


  • Condemns Pakistan for conducting aerial attacks on targets in Afghanistan.
  • Vows revenge for civilians killed in Khost, Paktia, and Kunar provinces.
  • In both Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Pakistani government kills women and children, evicts people, and demolishes homes.
  • ISIS threatens Pakistan.
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5. Pro-ISIS-K Al-Azaim Pamphlet “Kandahar and the Military Camp,” Released March 22, 2024

A 31-page Pashto pamphlet released on March 22.


  • The Taliban are repeat liars, including media affiliated or aligned with the Taliban.
  • When ISIS-K attacked the Kabul Airport in August 2021, they defeated Taliban security measures. The blood of Americans and Taliban members was mixed.
    • The Taliban claimed that this was an attack on civilians.
  • The Americans mourned their losses at the Kabul airport.
  • The Taliban say that ISIS has been reduced to very few fighters, but then further attacks occur.
  • The Taliban is supposedly strong in Kandahar, but the attack on March 21 took place against Taliban members.
  • The pamphlet glorifies the ISIS-K bomber, Muawiyah Al-Panjshiri.
  • The Taliban members were gathered to collect their salaries, which is money that came from the U.S. and taxes.
  • The Taliban are trying to cover up the number of killed and wounded in the attack.
    • They do not publish photos of the dead.
  • The Taliban are the U.S.’s underpaid soldiers.
    • Both the U.S. and the Taliban kill civilians.
    • The U.S. trained the Taliban in Qatar.
  • The Taliban kill civilians in Panjshir.


Counterpoint Series

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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